Ukraine: CAD 50 million coal purchased in January 2017

Ukrainian companies in January imported coking coal for CAD 48.2 million ($36.2 million under the current exchange rate) from Canada, while in January 2016 no coking coal was imported, Canadian Ambassador to Ukraine Roman Waschuk reported. He said that British Columbia had large stocks of coking coal and production facilities. Supplies from the province could…

Ukraine: mining companies to be thoroughly checked

Following the cave-in of the Stepnaya mine in the Lviv region the government commission will check 300 mining companies. “We are checking all the documents at 300 enterprises of the mining complex which are deemed dangerous”, the Vice Prime Minister Gennadiy Zubko said. The commission started operating on March 6. According to Zubko the Stepnaya…

Russia: Taltech to increase coal output

The authorities of the Kemerovo region and the Taltech group have signed an agreement on the socio-economical cooperation in 2017. This year Taltech intends to increase coal output by 13.5%, to 4.2 million tons. Investments of 300 million rubles will be spent on engineering and construction of enterprises as well as the purchase of new…