Ukraine: coal extraction up in July 2018

Ukraine’s extraction of coal rose by 1.1% YoY, to 2.64 million tons in July from 2.61 million tons in July 2017 and from 2.55 million tons in June, the Energy and Coal Industry Ministry reported. Extraction of thermal coal in July increased by 7.7%, to 2.22 million tons from 2.06 million tons in July 2017,…

Russia: coal output up in Chukotka

In January-July Chukotka Autonomous District mined 364 thousand tons of coal, up by 41%. Beringpromugol LLC has contributed the most to the output increase. In 7 months the company mined 304.3 thousand tons of coal, up 2.3-fold YoY. Shakhta Ugolnaya decreased coal output by 43%, to 59.8 thousand tons. Last year the region yielded 445…