Russia: MMK starts constructing sinter factory

Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works is finishing the preparatory works at the new sinter factory construction site: the builders are making foundation and assembling metal structures. In March they intend to start assembling the main machinery. Investments will total around 22 billion rubles. Construction started in December 2016. The first object of construction was the…

Ukraine: miners preparing to strike

In the town of Ukrainsk (Donetsk region) miners from the Ukraina mine of the state enterprise Selidovugol have made a preliminary strike and are preparing for mass actions because of the non-payment of salary. “On January 15 the first shift of the miners didn’t come to the work, a part of the second and third…

Russia: UEM gets new non-ferrous alloys mills

“Non-Ferrous Metals Alloys Manufacture” of Uralelectromed has received new machinery valued at 10.5 million rubles. In particular, hydraulic forming machines have been supplied from Turkey and vertical milling machine – from Belarus. The new machinery will improve productivity and increase product range. The purchase of the new mills was presupposed in the program of modernization…