Ukraine: Interpipe net profit up in 2023

In 2023, Interpipe loading did not exceed 70%. Net revenue amounted to $252.49 million, up from $204.44 million in 2022. Overall revenue grew by 0.7%, to $988.7 million. Steel and pipes manufacture totaled 680 thousand and 395 thousand tons, up by 14.3% and 0.5% YoY respectively, and railroad products – 100 thousand tons. (Ukrainian metal)

Ukraine: Interpipe to raise wages

Despite 2 years of war, Interpipe will raise wages to its employees from March. On average, salary will grow by 20%. Last time Interpipe increased wages was last year. On March 1, 2023, wages grew by 15% on average. Interpipe employs around 10 thousand people. In 2023, the company paid 4.4 billion UAH to the…

Ukraine: Interpipe NTZ to diversify exports

In order to minimize risks of losing a part of market, Interpipe NTZ is diversifying its clients portfolio by entering additional foreign markets and improving manufacturing processes. Thus, over the part 10 years, the company has entered the markets of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, USA, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Brazil and India. A problematic issue for the…