Russia: Atomredmetzoloto to mine gold in Yakutia

Atomredmetzoloto intends to start mining for gold at the Severnoye deposits in Yakutia. The Severnoye uranium deposits are a part of the Elkon uranium ore district. The designing of the uranium works was put on hold in 2011 after world prices fell drastically following the Fukushima accident. In 2019-2020 the company will carry out prospecting…

Russia: Priangarye produces 1 ton of gold

Since the beginning of 2018 Irkutsk region obtained 1044.2 kg of gold. All the metal was mined. In particular, Polyus Verninskoye mined 560.7 kg of gold. Vysochaishiy obtained 323 kg of gold. Ugakhan, Vysochaishiy’s subsidiary, produced 114 kg of gold, while Druza LLC in January yielded 46.5 kg of gold. This year all the companies…

Kazakhstan: gold reserves up in 2017

Last year the Ministry of Investments and Development held auctions for the usage of subsoil resources on 58 sites. According to the ministry, gold reserves increased by 35 tons, silver – by 25 thousand tons, uranium – by 14 thousand tons, tungsten – by 70 tons and copper by 1.1 million tons. (Ukrainian metal)