Uzbekistan: Uzmetkombinat to invest $23.8 million in production of ferrosilicon manganese

Uzmetkombinat JSC, the Uzbek metallurgical plant, intends to implement 13 projects worth a total of $474.5 million in 2018-2022. The government of Uzbekistan issued a “Decree on measures for the implementation of investment projects and the effective use of objects of Uzmetkombinat JSC”. In particular, the company intends to build a casting and rolling complex…

Ukraine: Group DF GOKs increase ilmenite concentrate output

In January-September Mezhdurechensky Mining and Processing Works and Valki-Ilmenit, both parts of Group DF, increased ilmenite concentrate output 1.98-fold, to 107 thousand tons. Ilmenite ore mining grew by 91%, to 2.1 million cubic meters. Thanks to the output growth the companies were able to increase average salary by 25%, to 12 thousand UAH. Since the…