Ukraine has unique natural conditions for the metallurgy development, so the industry will see a rise soon.
However, the majority of metallurgical enterprises in the country have become obsolete.
Senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics Anders Aslund expressed such opinion during the conference in Ottawa.
“Ukraine has uniquely favorable conditions for the metallurgy development. Ukraine has iron ore, coal, technologies, traditions, and the access to the sea for transporting. These components are necessary for the modern steel production. Therefore, this field will return”, Aslund said.
The expert stressed that the majority of metallurgical enterprises in the country had become obsolete.
“Ukraine needs to invest in metallurgy, as the country now has only two modern steel plants. Akhmetov was too concerned about buying new companies, having doubled the number of employees under the rule of Yanukovich. If you buy a lot, then little money is left to invest”, he explained. ( metal)