Russia: MMK EGM approves dividends for Q2 2019

An extraordinary general meeting of MMK shareholders was held on September 27 with absentee voting. Shareholders approved by majority vote a dividend on MMK’s issued ordinary registered shares of 0.690 rubles (including tax) per share for the second quarter of 2019. The dividends will be paid in cash by bank transfer within the period and…

Russia: KMEZ copper electrolysis shop starts using steel matrixes

Kyshtym Electrolytic Copper Plant has finished transferring its electrolysis shop to using stainless steel matrixes. Previously the company has been also using titanium matrixes to produce copper cathodes. In several stages 18 thousand matrixes have been replaced at the plant. Moreover, now all the electrolytic baths will be serviced by one Outotec machine instead of…