Russia: NLMK cash flow up in 2016

In 2016 NLMK Group increased its EBITDA profitability by 25% YoY and its free cash flow by 9%, to $1.1 billion. According to the company statement, its revenue reached $7.64 billion. EBITDA remained flat at $1.94 billion. Investments dropped by 6%, to $559 million. The net debt of the group decreased to $0.69 billion. (Ukrainian…

Russia: Meta Group scrap sales up in 2016

In 2016 Meta Group, a part of ChTPZ, sold 1.354 million tons of scrap, up by 4% YoY, with 760 thousand tons being the group procured scrap, and 594 thousand tons – transit scrap. Meta-Perm demonstrated the growth of 6.1 thousand tons, Vtorchermet – 10.6 thousand tons, Meta-Chelyabinsk – 17.1 thousand tons, and Meta-Yekaterinburg –…