Russia: metal prices up in January 2017

In January Russian manufacturers increased prices by 12.7% YoY. According to Rosstat, the highest increase was observed in iron ore prices – by 21.7%. Machinery and equipment for metal industry increased in price by 16.8%, quarrying machinery – by 15.8%. Copper prices went up by 6%, pig iron, steel and ferroalloys – by 4.6% on…

Russia: MMK to increase flat prices

Traders working with MMK report that the management of the company’s sales services plans to review the earlier announced March prices on flat rolled metal by increasing them by 2-3%. The increase is explained by the sharp rise of raw materials prices and the world market rolled metal price growth. The increase in prices for…

Kazakhstan: silver exports down in 2016

In 2016 Kazakhstan reduced exports of silver, however revenues grew and the country earned $584 million. Export volume in physical terms decreased by 8.8%, but in monetary terms it increased by 21.2%. In 2016 export of unprocessed or semi-finished silver and silver powder reached 1.17 thousand tons valued at $584.6 million. Kazakhstan’s main partner is…