Russia: Kaltan pit mines 100 million tons of coal

The Kaltan open-pit mine yielded the 100-millionth ton of coal. This is the result of Osinikovskoye and Kaltansky field miners operation since each field has been put into operation. The Kaltan open-put mine was created in 2009 by merging Kaltansky open-pit and Osinnikovsky open-pit. The first ton of Osinnikovsky coal was mined in 1980, and…

Russia: 22 tons of gold exported in 2016

In 2016 Russia exported 22.4 tons of gold, down by 43% YoY, while the output remained on the previous year level. Though there is still no data on January-November 2016 output the Union of gold-miners expects the figure to be on the level of 295-297 tons. Central bank bought the most gold on the local…