Ukraine: scrap export down in January 2020

In January Ukraine exported 2,865 thousand tons of scrap, down by 8.8% YoY, valued at $795 thousand, down by 15.1%. According to the State Tax Service, in December 2019, 1,270 thousand tons of scrap were exported. At the same time, in January Ukraine imported 392 tons of scrap, down by 89.8%, valued at $446 thousand,…

Ukraine: scrap imports exceed exports in 2019

In 2019 Ukraine decreased ferrous metal scrap exports 7.8-fold YoY, to 42.18 thousand tons, at the same time increasing exports by 17.2%, to 49.93 thousand tons. According to the State Customs Service, thus import has for the first time since 2011 exceeded export. In monetary terms export decreased 9-fold, to $11.78 million, while import –…

Ukraine: scrap procurement to drop in 2019

This year the scrap procurement in Ukraine is expected to fall to 3.1 million tons. According to the UAvtormet Association, in January-November 2.8 million tons of scrap were procured, down by 14.6% YoY. Scrap deliveries to metal companies dropped by 6.9%, to 2.8 million tons. Exports in 11 months fell by 87.2%, to 40.9 thousand…

Ukraine: Ukrzaliznytsia scrap sales inefficient

The current regulations do not allow Ukrzaliznystia to efficiently operate on the scrap market. “The scrap prices change very quickly. We cannot catch up with them with the current regulations”, the company director on legal issues and property policy Arthur Reznik declared. “According to our calculations, it takes us 3.5 months to start the selling…

Ukraine: scrap market de-shadowing approved

The Verkhovna Rada committee on economical development has approved of a draft bill No. 2426 on amendments to some bills on de-shadowing of metal raw materials market and operations with metal scrap. At present some 80% of the scrap market are in the shadow. “With this bill we create the opportunity to bring some 16…

Russia: state scrap to be sold via exchange

The Federal Antimonopoly Service has suggested selling all the scrap of state companies via exchanges. Since state companies are not always involved in procurement, the Service suggests purchasing services to process and sell scrap at auctions organized by commodity exchanges. The Service also plans to create a single electronic system on scrap. This is not…