The Central scientific laboratory in the city of Kara-Balte has taken 11 probes of ore in the case of copper-gold concentrate from the Bozymchak deposits.
In the probes with the share of gold in the amount of 1.68 g per ton there were 7.77 g of silver per ton and 0.98% of copper.
In other probes the contents of copper ranged from 19.56% to 25.1%, with gold being 30.1-44.2 g per ton and silver – 194.94-278.94 g per ton.
In December 2017 the prosecutors initiated a case against KAZ Minerals Bozymchak. Since 2015 the company has transported 9.76 thousand tons of gold-containing concentrate, without paying income tax. KAZ Minerals Bozymchak claimed that the concentrate mostly contained copper, with gold being associated metal. (Ukrainian metal)