The public joint stock company Ukrgazvydobuvannya intends to order steel pipes valued at 1.15 billion UAH from Interpipe.
The total expected cost of the purchase was 1.17 billion UAH, thus the company would save 1.7%.
According to the first contract, by summer Interpipe will have supplied 2510 seamless and arc-welded pipes valued at 107.93 million UAH. The pipes will be produced by Interpipe Niko Tube, Interpipe NTZ, Interpipe NMTZ and Pervouralsky Pipe Works (Russia).
The company will also purchase 19037 tons of various casing pipes valued at 1.04 billion UAH produced by Interpipe, as well as Russian, German and Austrian works.
Moreover, the state company plans to order 173 tons of arc-welded pipes for casing columns from Russia valued at 5.11 million UAH.
In 2016 Ukrgazvydobuvannya bought 957.07 million UAH worth of pipes from Interpipe. (Ukrainian metal)