Ukraine: Azovstal, Mariupol Ilyich, Zaporozhogneupor and Zaporozhkoks CEO offices extended

The supervisory boards of Azovstal, Mariupol Ilyich Iron and Steel Works, Zaporozhogneupor and Zaporozhkoks, all parts of Metinvest, have extended the offices of their CEO – Enver Tskitishvili, Taras Shevchenko, Sergey Gorman and Vitaly Litovka respectively – for one more year. The decisions were taken on April 2. The offices have been prolonged from April…

Ukraine: Mariupol metal companies not to fire employees

Following the increase of the minimal wage to 3200 UAH from January 1, metal companies of Mariupol, nevertheless, do not plan to fire employees. According to Azovstal HR director Konstantin Voitsekhovsky, all the jobs have been kept. “As of January the average salary was 10 thousand UAH. That’s considerably higher compared to the average salary…