In November 2014 Ukraine to increase metal output
According to the experts at Metallurgprom, Ukrainian metal companies will produce 1.9 million tons of steel in November.
According to the experts at Metallurgprom, Ukrainian metal companies will produce 1.9 million tons of steel in November.
In January-September Ukrainian metal companies produced 21.49 million tons of carbon steel, down by 13.5% YoY.
Metallurgprom forecasts steel output on the level of 1.8 million tons in October.
In January-August Ukrainian metallurgical companies produced 19.69 million tons of steel, down by 11% YoY.
In August Ukraine is expected to produce 2.6 million tons of steel. At the same time pig iron and rolled metal output is expected at around 2.55 and 2.35 million tons respectively. To meet these volumes Ukrainian metal companies would need to purchase 660 thousand tons of sinter ore, 1850 thousand tons of concentrate, 440…
In January-June Ukraine produced 15.47 million tons of steel, down by 6% YoY. Rolled metal manufacture decreased by 7%, to 13.59 million tons, that of pig iron – by 1%, to 14.36 million tons. In the given period Ukraine produced 8.53 million tons of coke, down by 4%. In 2013 Ukrainian metal companies produced 29.116…
In May Ukrainian metal companies produced 2826 thousand tons of steel, up by 10.5%, or by 269 thousand tons, MoM. In January-May steel output went down by 6.5%, or by 899 thousand tons, to 12908 thousand tons YoY. In April Ukraine produced 2557 thousand tons of steel, down by 3.1%, or by 83 thousand tons,…
In July Ukrainian companies intend to increase steel smelting by 2.9%, to 2.52 million tons MoM. The companies also plan to produce 2.47 million tons of pig iron and 2.25 million tons of rolled metal, up by 5.1% and 2.3% respectively. An average daily pig iron output in July is forecast at 79.7 thousand tons…