Metinvest gets Antimonopoly Committee nod for Ilyich merger

Metinvest BV (Netherlands) has obtained a formal approval of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine for acquisition of newly issued shares of the Ilyich Steel, PSC and Mariupol Ilyich Iron and Steel Works, PJSC thereby gaining more than 50% voting rights in managerial bodies of aforementioned companies. This is another important step Metinvest BV has taken towards…

Ilyich and Metinvest combination could create one of world’s top steel firms

Ukrainian analysts said a likely combination between the Mariupol Ilyich Iron and Steel Works and the Metinvest conglomerate would create one of the world’s top 20 steel firms.Mr. Andrei Gerus, head of consulting at Concorde Capital, says Metinvest is currently the world’s 30th biggest steel producer. It is also the world’s seventh biggest iron ore…

Operations of Ilyich and DMKD hit by reduced gas supplies

It is reported that Ukraine’s national energy company Naftogaz has started to limit gas supplies to the most indebted domestic steel producers, i. e. to the Mariupol Ilyich Iron and Steel Works and Dneprovsky Iron and Steel Works named after F. Dzerzhinsky (DMKD), a subsidiary of the Ukrainian steel producer Industrial Union of Donbass (ISD),…