The Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan intends to impose a temporary ban on the export of coal by road. The corresponding draft document was published on the Single Portal for Public Discussion of Draft Regulatory Legal Acts of the Kyrgyz Republic and submitted for public discussion.
The draft resolution states: to impose a temporary ban for six months on the export of coal (classified by codes 2701 and 2702 of the EAEU Foreign Economic Activity Commodity Nomenclature) from the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic by road (with the exception of Irkeshtam-Avtodorozhny and Torugart-Avtodorozhny road checkpoints).
The Ministry of Economy and Commerce should, no later than three days from the date of entry into force of the document, in accordance with the established procedure, notify the World Trade Organization and the Eurasian Economic Commission about the introduction of the temporary ban.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, no later than three days from the date of entry into force of the resolution, must notify the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the prescribed manner about the introduction of the temporary ban.
Personal responsibility is assigned to the Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President in the regions, heads of local state administrations, ayil okmotu in case of a shortage and increase in prices for solid fuel for the population and budget-funded organizations.
The restrictions do not apply to Kyrgyzkomur state enterprise.
The resolution, if adopted, will come into force on September 20. (