The share of steel semi-finished products, slabs and billets in the export volume in January-August decreased to 35.9% from 45.6% in 2016.
At the same time the physical volumes of steel semis exports dropped from 5.491 million tons to 3.831 million tons. Long rolled metal exports decreased from 3.197 million tons to 2.359 million tons, with their share in the export volume falling from 26.4% to 24.6%.
Flat rolled metal accounted for the main increase in the share of value added products in the exports volume: from 28.2% to 35.5%. In physical volumes it remained almost the same – 3.412 million tons against 3.408 million tons.
In January-August Ukraine exported 9.602 million tons of steel, down from 12.096 million tons. (Ukrainian metal)