Russia: MMK steel output up in Q2 2017

Steel output of Russia’s Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) increased by 3.8% QoQ, to 3.182 million tons in April-June, the company said in a statement July 17. In January-June, steel production rose by 0.6% YoY, to 6.248 million tons. Metal products sales fell by 3.2% YoY, to 5.605 million tons, in January-June, but increased…

Ukraine: Lvivugol expresses no-confidence to Nasalik

The employees of the state enterprise Lvivugol have expressed no-confidence to the minister of energy and coal industry Igor Nasalik. According to the Independent Miners’ Union chairman Mikhail Volynets, the decision was taken following the systematic non-payment of salary and unfulfilled promises. “As of the Miners’ Day the debts are unlikely to be cleared, thus…