Ukraine: pellets exports in Q1 2017

In January-March Poltava Mining and Processing Works, a part of Ferrexpo, exported 2.527 million tons of iron ore pellets. Ukrainian pellets went to Europe and the Near East, as well as Japan, China and Korea. At the same time Karelsky Okatysh exported 1.459 million tons of pellets, Lebedinsky GOK – 996 thousand tons, Mikhailovsky GOK…

Russia: Tugnuyskaya Factory to increase coal processing

Tugnuyskaya Processing Factory has good prospects of developing. To increase capacity SUEK decided to construct another processing factory. “When the second module of the factory is put into operation, we will increase capacity and create 100 new jobs”, the acting deputy CEO on processing of Tugnuyskaya Factory Igor Shkodin said. The annual processing plan for…

Russia: Stoylensky GOK gets new gyratory crusher from Uralmashzavod

The contract for the new gyratory crusher was concluded after the Uralmashzavod specialists checked the crushing machinery at the processing factory of the Stoylensky Mining and Processing Works. The new machine will replace a similar one, produced by Uralmashzavod and delivered in 1983. The crusher has already been tested and supplied to the GOK. (Ukrainian…

Russia: Severstal Balakovo gets new CEO

Since May 11, the new general manager of Severstal – Balakovo, a part of Severstal Russian Steel, is Artem Akinfiev, who has previously been responsible for the improvement of manufacturing processes at Promservis, another part of SRS. “In his new office Akinfiev will be responsible for increase of the company competitiveness on the bars market”,…