In January-March Evraz Dneprovsky Iron and Steel Works produced 203 thousand tons of rolled metal, down by 9.4% YoY.
Steel output declined by 9.7%, to 243 thousand tons, pig iron – by 11.8%, to 232 thousand tons.
In March DMZ produced 70 thousand tons of rolled metal, 79 thousand tons of steel and 78 thousand tons of pig iron, as opposed to 59 thousand tons of rolled metal, 74 thousand tons of steel and 70 thousand tons of pig iron in February.
In 2016 the company increased steel output by 5.2% YoY, to 1.057 million tons, pig iron – by 5.9%, to 1.068 million tons, rolled metal – by 3.7%, to 889 thousand tons, including semi-finished products by 16%, to 554 thousand tons, but 335 thousand tons of ready-made metal, down by 11.8%. (Ukrainian metal)