In December 2016 Ukraine produced 1.9 million tons of pig iron, 2 million tons of steel and 1.8 million tons of rolled metal.
As of January 17, 21 out of 28 blast furnaces (75%), 18 out of 21 converters (86%), 8 out of 9 open-hearth furnaces (89%) and 5 out of 16 electric-arc furnaces (31%) were in operation.
In 2016 pig iron output totaled 23.6 million tons, that of steel 24.2 million tons, and of rolled metal – 21.4 million tons, all up by 8%, 6% and 6% YoY respectively.
Ukrainian iron ore raw materials supplies reached 2.4 million tons in December 2016, down by 120 thousand tons MoM, with 29.2 million tons supplied in 2016, up by 13% YoY. Iron ore raw materials imports (mostly from Russia) in December 2016 remained on November level (90 thousand tons). In 2016 Ukraine imported 1.5 million tons of iron ore raw materials, down by 19% YoY. Exports totaled 2.9 million tons in December and 37.7 million tons in 12 months, down by 17% YoY.
Ukrainian by-product coke plants received 400 thousand tons of local coal in December 2016, down by 40 thousand tons MoM, and 5.8 million tons during the whole year, down by 2% YoY. Imports of coking coal reached 1.1 million tons in December 2016, up by 240 thousand tons MoM, or 11.8 million tons in 2016, up by 19% YoY. On the whole in December 2016 Ukrainian coke plants received 1.5 million tons of coking coal, up by 200 thousand tons MoM, and 17.6 million tons during 12 months, up by 11% YoY. Imported coal share increased to 67% from 63% in 2015. Coking coal stocks in December 2016 decreased by 50 thousand tons, to 300 thousand tons as of January 1, 2017.
In December 2016 Ukrainian metal companies received 820 thousand tons of local coke, down by 10 thousand tons MoM. In 2016 coke deliveries totaled 10.7 million tons, up by 11% YoY. December 2016 saw coke imports on the level of 90 thousand tons, down by 20 thousand tons MoM, and the whole year – 1.2 million tons, down by 8% YoY. Total coke deliveries in 2016 reached 11.9 million tons, up by 8% YoY.
Ukrainian metal companies received 320 thousand tons of scrap in December 2016, up by 50 thousand tons MoM, or 91% of their need. In 2016 scrap deliveries amounted to 3.2 million tons, up by 4% YoY, and 84% of the need. Scrap stocks at metal companies in December 2016 increased by 30 thousand tons, to around 190 thousand tons as of January 1, 2017.
In December 2016 Ukraine exported 20 thousand tons of scrap, with 275 thousand tons exported during the year, as opposed to 1.2 million tons in 2015.
Gas consumption by metal companies in December 2016 increased by 35 million cubic meters MoM, to 190 million cubic meters. Average daily consumption in December 2016 went up by 0.9 million cubic meters to 6.1 million cubic meters.
In 2016 Ukrainian metal companies consumed 1.74 billion cubic meters of gas, down by 14% YoY. Average daily consumption stood at 4.8 million cubic meters as opposed to 5.5 million cubic meters in 2015.
Electric energy consumption in 2016 hit 12.9 billion kW-h, up by 4% YoY. (Ukrainian metal)