After the sintering factory at the Mariupol Ilyich Iron and Steel Works is modernized, the company will meet all the European environmental norms.
Over 5 years the works will invest 2.5 billion UAH into the project that started in 2015.
“After that dust pollution will decrease by 90%, or by 12.5 thousand tons. Sulfur pollution will go down by 46%”, said the company CEO Yuri Zinchenko.
At present Mariupol Ilyich is implementing 17 environmental programs, or 85% of the city programs. The company has already stopped using open-hearth furnaces. Last year it modernized its converter No. 1 gas-purifying system, spending some 68 million UAH. For the past 4 years the company has invested over 600 million UAH into environmental projects.
The works plans to reconstruct its converter No. 2 gas-purifying system. The investments will total 88 million UAH. (Ukrainian metal)