Dobropolyeugol coal extraction in January-July missed the targeted results by 31%, with coal losses exceeding 700 thousand tons.

The newly created board of directors would seek for effective measures to overcome the crisis.

Administration tries to decrease expenses by shutting down mining works and concentrating on the increase of coal output.

The anticrisis measures to be taken were the result of the critical situation on the energy market of Ukraine. In particular, the State Enterprise Energorynok owes DTEK thermal power stations 6.1 billion UAH for electricity.

In 2010-2014 DTEK Dobropolyeugol received 3 billion UAH of losses, while investments totaled 2 billion UAH. DTEK losses in 2014 reached 19 billion UAH, and in Q1 2015 – over 17 billion UAH. (Ukrainian metal)

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