In 2014 EVRAZ – Dniepropetrovsk Iron and Steel Works named after Petrovsky plans to increase steel output by 12.1%, or by 120.2 thousand tons, to 1115.2 thousand tons, YoY.
According to the 2014 production plan, the company sets the following goals: coke output – 744.9 thousand tons, pig iron manufacture – 1081.8 thousand tons, steel production – 1115.2 thousand tons, rolled metal output – 967.3 thousand tons.
In 2013 Petrovsky produced 978 thousand tons of pig iron, 995 thousand tons of steel, 854 thousand tons of rolled metal and 744 thousand tons of coke.
In 2014 the works plans to invest 36.86 million UAH into new projects. (Ukrainian metal)