In 2014 Ukrainian metallurgical companies are expected to cut steel production by 16.8%, to 27.2 million tons, YoY, while in 2015 – by 0.7% compared to the forecast figures for this year, to 27 million tons.
According to experts, the forecast could be either improved or downgraded because of the events in the east of the country.
Rolled steel prices in 2015 are expected to decline by 5-10%, or by $30-50/ton.
The volume of the local market in 2014 will decrease by 43.7% YoY, from 7.1 million tons in 2013 to about 4 million tons, due to the decline in machinery engineering and the situation in the east of the country. In 2015 the volume of consumption under the negative scenario is expected to reach 3.4 million tons. ( metal)