Owner of 50% of shares of the manufacturing enterprise Stalkanat-Silur Vladimir Nemirovskiy has transferred all his shares to his son David born in 2002.
Thus, the share of Nemirovskiy Sr decreased from 50.0001% to zero, while that of Nemirovskiy Jr grew from zero to 50.0001%.
The first half of his shares Vladimir Nemirovskiy sold on June 2. As of July 13, Anton Mikhailenko owned 23.7% of shares and Edery Liron – 23.1%.
On November 30, the shareholders re-elected two current members of the supervisory board – Vladimir Nemirovskiy and Vitaliy Dubovich – as well as elected David Nemirovskiy and the chief rabbi of Krivoy Rog Edery Liron to the board. (Ukrainian metal)