Uralelectromed has begun the second stage of assembling two KUNZ cranes in the copper electrolyses shop being constructed.

At the first stage crane beams have been assembled, as well as crane movement mechanisms and auxiliary winches with the lifting capacity of 10 tons. The cranes will be used in constructing and operation of 448 electrolysis baths.

The weight of the crane is 80 tons, its length – 34 m, and the lifting capacity 28 tons.

Assembly will be finished in autumn.

Uralelectromed started constructing the second stage of the copper electrolysis shop in July 2014. When it is put into operation, the company cathode output will increase to 320 thousand tons per year.

The first stage was commissioned in 2012. At present the shop has already exceeded the project capacity of 150 thousand tons of copper cathodes. (Ukrainian metal)

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