This year Dneprovsky Iron and Steel Combine, a part of ISD, intends to produce 2.935 million tons of pig iron and 3.099 million tons of steel, up by 51.3% and by 57.6% YoY respectively.
Sinter output is expected to increase by 37%, to 4.528 million tons.
In 2016 DMK produced 1.94 million tons of pig iron, 1.967 million tons of steel and 3.306 million tons of sinter, all down by 13.8%, 15.4% and by 16.2% YoY respectively.
In 2015 net income from sales totaled 16.714 billion UAH, in 2016 – 14.146 billion UAH.
At the same time in 2015 the company received 1.39 billion UAH of net losses, and in 2016 – 2.717 billion UAH. (Ukrainian metal)