Russia: Evraz starts mining GZh coal

Uskovskaya miners have started digging coal at the long face 50-08. The reserves of the face are estimated at 1.8 million tons of coking coal of the premium GZh grade. Each month the miners intend to obtain some 250 thousand tons of coal. After processing at Evraz factories Uskovskaya mine coal is delivered to other…

Ukraine: Centrenergo cancels coal tender

The power-generating company Centrenergo has cancelled the tender to buy 700 thousand tons of anthracite coal for Zmievskaya and Tripolskaya thermal power plants with delivery in May-December. According to the company statement, the decision was taken by the management in fear of the price increase in case of exchange rate fluctuations. 2 companies participated in…

Ukraine: Mariupol Ilyich to implement anti-crisis measures because of raw materials shortage

Metinvest intends to implement anti-crisis measures at its Mariupol Ilyich Iron and Steel Works. In particular it is suggested using iron ore raw materials wastes to produce sinter in view of undersupplies of sinter ore via railroad. “We intend to implement new methods of operation providing for the more efficient usage of secondary materials, thus…