Ukraine: Petrovsky sales to Russia down in 2014
In 2014 Dniepropetrovsk Iron and Steel Works named after Petrovsky decreased its sales of metal products to Russia.
In 2014 Dniepropetrovsk Iron and Steel Works named after Petrovsky decreased its sales of metal products to Russia.
Month Russian market, $/t, EXW, without VAT, $1/RUR52.9716* Ukrainian market, $/t, without VAT, EXW, $1/UAH21.047* min max min max April 746.06 746.06 496.83 496.83 May 656.94 656.94 491.17 491.17 * – Ukrainian Hrivna and Russian Rouble exchange rates are as of 31.05.15 according to the National Bank of Ukraine and the Central Bank of the…
Salary debts to state miners now total 1 billion UAH.
Month Russian market, $/t, FCA, without VAT, $1/RUR52.9716* min max April 94 215 May 19 189 * – Ukrainian Hrivna and Russian Rouble exchange rates are as of 31.05.15 according to the National Bank of Ukraine and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. (Ukrainian Metal)
Ukrainian government says it plans to start buying coal from the South African Republic and Kazakhstan again, to live through the next heating season.
Month Ukrainian market, $/t, without VAT, FCA, $1/UAH21.047* min max April 191 193 May 200 203 * – Ukrainian Hrivna and Russian Rouble exchange rates are as of 31.05.15 according to the National Bank of Ukraine and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. (Ukrainian Metal)
In May Ukraine produced 6703 thousand tons of iron ore and iron ore concentrate, down by 1.4%, or by 92 thousand tons, MoM.