In January-August Mariupol Ilyich Iron and Steel Works produced 2.46 million tons of rolled metal, down by 13.8% YoY.
According to a company representative, in the given period steel smelting fell by 19.4%, to 2.76 million tons, while pig iron manufacture decreased by 0.2%, to 3.23 million tons YoY.
In august Ilyich produced 202 thousand tons of rolled metal, 205 thousand tons of steel and 204 thousand tons of pig iron, while in July the corresponding results were 322 thousand, 353 thousand and 398 thousand tons.
Output decrease was caused by problems with coke and raw materials supplies.
In 2013 Mariupol Ilyich Iron and Steel Works produced 4.19 million tons of rolled metal, down by 3.3% YoY, 5.24 million tons of steel, up by 1.8%, and 5.06 million tons of pig iron, up by 12% YoY. (Ukrainian metal)