Russia: Metalloinvest loan prolonged

Metalloinvest has signed an addendum to the loan agreement with ING Bank Eurasia. The bank has extended till November 2020 the terns of the loan in the volume of $200 million (or in euro equivalent). In January-September Metalloinvest increased net profit by 14.3% YoY, to $1.245 billion. Revenue grew by 17.3%, to $5.342 billion and…

Russia: Metalloinvest and Signify complete second stage of lighting modernization at LGOK, MGOK and OEMK

Signify (previously Philips Lighting) has modernized lighting systems at three Metalloinvest enterprises: Lebedinsky and Mikhailovsky Mining and Steel Works as well as Oskol Electrometallurgical Works. All in all the company has replaced over 5 thousand lamps in 15 shops. As the result of the second stage of the large-scale program to modernize lighting at Metalloinvest…