Ukraine: Ferrexpo Poltava Mining accused of illegal mineral resources extraction

A civilian claim for 157 billion UAH ($3.78 billion) has been filed against Ferrexpo Poltava Mining. The claim was filed due to alleged illegal extraction of mineral resources and sale of production wastes. Ferrexpo refutes all accusation claiming there has been “no illegal extraction”. According to the company, the claim did not affect its operation.…

Ukraine: Ferrexpo output up in Q1 2024

In January-March, Ferrexpo manufactured 2.054 million tons of iron ore products, up by 203% QoQ. Two to three of four pelletizing lines were used in manufacture. Pellets production grew by 189% QoQ, to 1.81 million tons. The group also produced 240.5 thousand tons of concentrate with iron content of 67%, up by 380%. Sales amounted…

Ukraine: Ferrexpo pays dividends in 2023

In 2023, Ferrexpo paid $465 thousand of dividends. As the company shares are in GBP, dividends have also been paid in the British currency. Moreover, in 2023, the company paid $39.517 million on 2021 interim dividends ($0.066 per share), $38.679 million of final dividends for 2021 ($0.066) and $76.899 million of interim dividends for 2022…