The Ukrainian Metal

Ukraine: metal industry income up in 2023

In 2023, the main mining and processing enterprises of Ukraine received 317.53 billion UAH of income, up by 23% YoY.

Zaporizhstal leads the ranking with 56.4 billion UAH, up by 20%. Despite this, for the second year in a row the company has been demonstrating losses of 4 billion UAH.

Kametstal is second with 43.07 billion UAH, up by 14%. Losses increased 1.4-fold, to 950 million UAH.

Zaporizhkoks received 15.87 billion UAH of income. Its net profit was 397 million UAH.

ArcelorMittal Kriviy Rih decreased income by 5%, to 41.84 billion UAH. Losses decreased 4-fold, to 12 billion UAH.

Interpipe Niko Tube earned 20.5 billion UAH, up by 25%. Net profit grew nearly 2-fold, to 4.95 million UAH.

Dniprostal (11.9 billion UAH, up by 10%) and Nikopol Ferroalloys Works (9.5 billion UAH, -6%) left the rating. (Ukrainian metal)

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