The Ukrainian Metal

Ukraine: electricity prices for metal companies grow

The price of electricity for metal enterprises is constantly growing, including because of the unreasonable decision to change the share of imports for companies that what uninterrupted supply of electricity.

The president of Ukrmetallurgprom Olexander Kalenkov highlights the fact that due to the continuous cycle of manufacture, metal companies cannot physically shut down and then relaunch machinery. Such shutdowns will result in colossal economical losses and dozen million dollars will be needed to relaunch manufacture. Moreover, this will lead to technological accidents and environment catastrophes.

“We can’t survive any other way – we either have to shut down enterprises with all the negative consequences, including for the country economy, or receive electricity and work,” he said.

“And yet, the Ministry of Energy, Ukrenergo and the rest who initiated this norm, decided to play differently. If an enterprise wants uninterrupted supply of electricity, it has to increase the share of imports. And the electricity grows in price. There is a drastic demand in neighboring countries. As a result, electricity has increase in price by 10%,” he added. (Ukrainian metal)

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