The Ukrainian Metal

Ukraine: steel consumption up in 2023

In 2023, Ukraine increased apparent steel consumption by 55% YoY, to 3.4 million tons.

According to Worldsteel, there were no Ukrainian companies among the top 50 in 2022-2023, although Metinvest was on the list in 2014-2021.

Last year, Ukraine produced 6.2 million tons of steel and occupied the 24th place among global steel producers (in 2022 – 6.3 million tons and the 25th place), while pig iron output amounted to 6 million tons (6.4 million tons in 2022). Ukraine also exported 1.2 million tons of pig iron (1.3 million tons).

Apparent pig iron consumption in 2023 totaled 4.8 million tons (5.1 million tons). Per capita consumption amounted to 92 kg (55.1 kg in 2022). (Ukrainian metal)

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