The Ukrainian Metal

Ukraine: Lugansk region coal industry restoration impossible

Russian troops have flooded a lot of mines in Lugansk region, so it is impossible to restore the industry in the previous volume, Lugansk region military administration head Sergey Gayday has said.

“The occupiers have flooded the mines and sent men to war. Many have already been killed. Many have been maimed. We will not restore the industry to its previous level,” he has said.

Still, despite many enterprises being cut for scrap by the Russian occupiers and their separatist allies, a partial restoration of the industrial potential of the region after the war is possible.

In 2013, Lugansk region mines provided 25 million tons of coal. In particular, the two largest coalminers of the region – Rovenkiantrazit and Sverdlovantrazit – before their capture each accounted for 6-7 million tons of anthracite per year. (Ukrainian metal)

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