The Ukrainian Metal

Russia: Beringovsky territory resident starts developing gold deposits in Chukotka

Chukotka has one of the largest reserves of gold in Russia – it occupies the second place after Krasnoyarsk region. Last year Chukotka yielded 25.3 tons of gold, 8% of the total Russian output of 306.9 tons.

In the next 2 years the residents of the Beringovsky advanced development territory will occupy a considerable place in gold mining. Now the territory has 6 registered residents involved in gold mining. They have already announced 6.1 billion rubles of investment and creation of 586 new jobs.

In particular, Kanchalano-Amguemskaya Field Company started developing a new site – Gorny – in January. This year the company intends to mine 505 kg of gold and 3 tons of silver. (Ukrainian metal)

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