The Ukrainian Metal

Ukraine: Lviv-Volyn basin stops shipping coal

The state enterprise Lvivugol has reported on the complete halt of coal purchases from the Lviv-Volyn region.

Since September 2015 there has been a mechanism of mutual purchases of coal between Centerenergo and DTEK. To decrease transportation costs Centerenergo bought coal from DTEK Pavlogradugol and DTEK Dobropolyeugol, while the coal from the Lviv-Volyn basin was sent to DTEK power plants in Western Ukraine.

But since December 2017 the main supplier of coal to Centerenergo became Krasnolimanskoye LLC.

“If Centerenergo stops buying coal from Pavlogradugol and Dobropolyeugol, DTEK will carry it to its Zapadenergo. Thus, the miners of the Lviv-Volyn basin will have nowhere to sell their coal to. The state enterprises Selidovugol and Lisichanskugol will face the same problems. The state TPPs have to be provided with the state coal in the first place. Otherwise the miners will strike”, the chairman of the Independent Miners Union of Ukraine Mikhail Volynets said. (Ukrainian metal)

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