The Ukrainian Metal

Kyrgyzstan: Kumtor workers call MPs terrorists

The members of the Parliament did not like being called terrorists because of Kumtor, Saidulla Nyshanov said at a session of the Parliament on November 16.

The deputies discussed scandalous amendments to the Water Code permitting work on Davydov and Lysyi glaciers. Deputies also visited Kumtor, as well as representatives of the government and the public. Saidulla Nyshanov is sure that the employees of the mine have been turned against the parliamentarians.

During the trip to the mine, representatives of the staff of the gold mining enterprise criticized the MPs and called them terrorists, who, by politicizing the issue, hindered the work.

“MPs have been called enemies, turned into terrorists. It is wrong to intimidate and force to adopt this bill. It’s not right that our own people are turned against us. Everything has its limits,” Saidulla Nyshanov said. ( metal)

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