MMK has smelted the 800-millionth ton of steel, a record hit for all the country.
The first steel was smelted on July 8, 1933 with the commissioning of the first open-hearth furnace. In 1936 the construction of the open-hearth shop with 12 furnaces weighing 150 tons each was completed. By the end of 1980-s MMK operated 3 open-hearth shops with 35 furnaces. At that time steel output was 16 million tons per year.
In 1990 the oxygen-converter shop was commissioned. At present it its one of the most productive shops in the world. 3 converters (370 tons) produce 10 million tons of steel a year. The two largest in Russia arc furnaces also provide 4 million tons of steel per year. (Ukrainian metal)