The Ukrainian Metal

Ukraine: Alfa-Bank to adjudge 1 billion UAH from Interpipe

The Commercial Court of the Dniepropetrovsk region will consider a claim of Alfa-Bank to Interpipe Niko Tube as to the collection of 1.2 billion UAH of debts.

This debt comes from the credit line of $9.1 million and 41.2 million euro.

Interpipe Niko Tube has filed a crossbill. The company asked the court to nullify the credit line agreement. But the court rejected the claim and waved the appeal without hearing. The High Commercial Court also rejected the cassational appeal.

In the meantime Commercial Court of the Dniepropetrovsk region is considering the claim of Alfa-Bank to another Interpipe company – Interpipe Novomoskovsk Pipe Works ($5.7 million). Within this case Interpipe also tried to nullify the credit agreement, but with the same results. (Ukrainian metal)

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