The Ukrainian Metal

Ukraine: ministers to close 11 coalmines

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine plans to shut down 11 state coalmines.

“We’re preparing to temporarily close down 11 mines. 24 more mines are under consideration, there is nothing to privatize there. Some wise people will, probably, take them in a long-term lease, who can run them and will not ask for state money”, said the State Property Fund head Igor Bilous.

He added that this shouldn’t be postponed.

“We’ve had this situation for 24 years. The more the state owns, the longer we will have corruption. The main factor of corruption is the property managed by officials. Officials simply can’t manage property”, Bilous stressed.

It should be noted that in France state property share is 33%, in Germany – 30%, in UK – 25%, in USA – 22%, while in Ukraine it’s just 7%. At the same time Ukraine is a leader in corruption ratings of international companies.

The ex-secretary of the Verkhovnaya Rada social politics committee Andrey Pavlovsky called the grand scale privatization of the state property, announced by the government of Arseny Yatsenyuk, a plunder of the Ukrainian people. (Ukrainian Metal)

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