Russia: TMK pipes sales up in Q3 2017

In July-September TMK sold 1.013 million tons of steel pipes, up by 5% QoQ. Sales of seamless pipes dropped by 5.3%, to 651 thousand tons because of the scheduled repairs. OCTG pipes sales remained on the level of the previous quarter. Welded pipes deliveries increased by 30.7% QoQ, to 362 thousand tons mostly because of…

Russia: TMK works get InterGazCert certificates

4 works of the Russian Pipe Metallurgical Company have received quality management certificates in Gazprom’s voluntary certification system InterGazCert. In particular, the certificates have been granted to Volzhsk, Seversk and Sinarsky Pipe Works as well as Taganrog Iron and Steel Works. The certificates confirm the works’ quality management systems correspondence to Gazprom standards, the ability…

Russia: TMK earnings up in Q2 2017

In Q2 TMK received $1.07 billion, up by 17% QoQ, with H1 earnings up by 27% YoY, to $2.05 billion. According to the company statement, its corrected EBITDA in Q2 totaled $134 million, down by 6% QoQ, and $275 million in H1, up by 2% YoY. Net losses in Q2 constituted $19 million, with net…

Russia: TMK starts producing pipes of unique alloy

The Pipe Metallurgical Company has started manufacturing casing pipes of corrosion-resistant chrome-nickel alloys TMK-S. The first batch of TMK-S pipes has been produced at Tagmet and shipped to Lukoil. The alloy has been developed for pipes used in oil and gas extraction with high content and partial pressure of sulfuretted hydrogen and carbon dioxide. “This…