Russia: Rosgeologia starts prospecting tin site

A subsidiary of the state concern Rosgeologia – Dalnevostochnoye PGO – is prospecting at the Arminskaya field in Primorsky region. The work is being financed from the federal budget under the state contract, the company being a subcontractor. The site with the size of 5706 square meters is situated on the territory of 3 administrative…

Russia: Severnoye Olovo to be liquidated

Severnoye Olovo, managed by Roman Abramovich’s Aristus Holding Ltd, decided to stop operating. The company had a license through 2028 to work at the largest tin deposits in Russia – Pyrkakai in Chukotka Autonomous District, but gave it up in November 2016. Pyrkakai reserves are estimated at 228.5 thousand tons of tin (the fourth place…