The first phase of Derrick Fine Screening Technology was launched in four technological sections of the beneficiation plant on September 3, 2019. As a result, 3.7 million tons of iron ore concentrate are expected to be produced in 2020 at the fine screening technology sections.
Beneficiated concentrate with increased iron content and reduced silica level is both an independent commercial product, as well as a raw material for the production of high-quality pellets at a pelletizing unit of Mikhailovsky GOK.
Currently the enterprise is shipping premium quality pellets produced from fine screening technology concentrate to Ural Steel, Kosaya Gora Iron Works and Tulachermet.
Andrey Sychev, Chief Engineer at the beneficiation plant, said: “High competition in the iron ore products market, where the best quality offer wins, required us to find new solutions. As part of the new technology, we introduced another stage of product sizing by screening, and thus raised the iron content of the concentrate by 2%.”
Mikhailovsky GOK is currently implementing the second phase of the project – the construction of a new building for beneficiation of concentrate using highly effective equipment – Derrick stack sizers, mills and flotation settings.
Following the implementation of the second stage in 2022, all beneficiation processing at Mikhailovsky GOK will switch to production of high-quality concentrate using the new technology – with an iron content of up to 70% and in the amount of 16.9 million tons per year.
The new quality will enable Mikhailovsky GOK’s products to successfully compete in the global metals and mining raw materials market and increase the economic efficiency of production. In addition, refractory quarry ores will be involved in the processing, which will make it possible to use natural resources fully and responsibly. (MetalInfo/Ukrainian metal)