The Ukrainian Metal

Ukraine: Azovstal modernizing blast furnace manufacture

Azovstal will shut down its two blast furnaces: BF No. 5 will be put out of operation, while BF No. 6 will be capitally repaired.

The burden of pig iron production will fall on the modernized BF No. 3 to be commissioned soon.

The capital repair of the BF No. 6 will improve its efficiency and decrease dust emission by 55%.

After the construction of the dust-coal fuel injection plant at BF No. 6, all the other Azovstal blast furnaces will also be equipped with it.

Repair of the BF No. 3 will increase its output almost 2-fold, to 1.3-1.6 million tons per year. Its pollution will decrease by 64%.

Investments in the modernization totaled $145 million. (Ukrainian metal)

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