The Ukrainian Metal

Ukraine: Mariupol Ilyich to meet EU environment requirements in some years

After the sintering factory at the Mariupol Ilyich Iron and Steel Works is modernized, the company will meet all the European environmental norms.

Over 5 years the works will invest 2.5 billion UAH into the project that started in 2015.

“After that dust pollution will decrease by 90%, or by 12.5 thousand tons. Sulfur pollution will go down by 46%”, said the company CEO Yuri Zinchenko.

At present Mariupol Ilyich is implementing 17 environmental programs, or 85% of the city programs. The company has already stopped using open-hearth furnaces. Last year it modernized its converter No. 1 gas-purifying system, spending some 68 million UAH. For the past 4 years the company has invested over 600 million UAH into environmental projects.

The works plans to reconstruct its converter No. 2 gas-purifying system. The investments will total 88 million UAH. (Ukrainian metal)

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